Open Letter to the New York Film Festival to End Complicity in Israeli War Crimes

Open Letter to NYFF To End Complicity in Israeli War Crimes
September 26th 2024

This is a statement written by filmmakers in NYFF62.

We are filmmakers and film workers who are participating in the 62nd New York Film Festival or who have participated in past editions of the NYFF. For almost a year, many of us have been acting collectively towards ending the complicity of our institutions as Israel has subjected the Palestinians of Gaza to a brutal onslaught of killing, maiming, displacement and the devastating destruction of homes, hospitals, universities, schools, roads, and food and water infrastructure.

We are, therefore, deeply troubled by NYFF’s partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, an institution that is directly implicated in facilitating settlement infrastructure in the West Bank and denying Palestinians their basic rights.

Bloomberg Philanthropies partners with the Sagol Family to run the Bloomberg-Sagol Center for City Leadership. This past year, the program trained mayors and city officials from Modi'in Illit and Mateh Binyamin Regional Council representing more than 40 West Bank settlements, which were found illegal by the International Court of Justice in July 2024.

Facilitating settlement infrastructure is not philanthropy; it is aiding and abetting a war crime. These illegal settlements are part of Israel’s broader campaign of ethnic cleansing and displacement, which Amnesty International has designated as apartheid against the Palestinian people.

The organization’s namesake, Michael Bloomberg, has also made shameful remarks in support of Israel’s cruel and unlawful strategy of bombing Palestinian hospitals and schools in Gaza.

On the day No Other Land had its press screening at NYFF, Palestinian director Basel Adra’s home in the West Bank was invaded by Israeli soldiers and his father kidnapped, bound, blindfolded and held at a settlement outpost.

As filmmakers and cultural workers, our creative expression should not be used to launder war crimes, particularly when many of our films shown in this year’s festival shed light on and demand justice in the face of state violence.

In January of this year the International Court of Justice (ICJ) recognized the plausible risk of genocide in Gaza. In July the ICJ ordered Israel to leave the Occupied Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza “as rapidly as possible,” condemned its regime of racial segregation and apartheid, and declared the transfer and maintenance of settlers to the West Bank and East Jerusalem unlawful.

In light of the gravity of the charges against the Israeli state and the scale of suffering inflicted on millions of Palestinians in Gaza, as well as those in the West Bank who are subject to settler and military violence, we call on the board and directors of the NYFF to review its financial ties and take urgent action to end their relationship with Bloomberg Philanthropies and any other funders lending material support to war crimes.

We call upon leaders at this and other cultural institutions to take a clear stance against artwashing genocide and apartheid, while upholding the rights of artists, activists, and staff who advocate for Palestine.

We further urge the New York Film Festival to call for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the siege in Gaza, without which Israel's genocide will continue, as famine and disease take hold across besieged and occupied Gaza.

If you are a filmmaker or film worker (staff, press, or industry) with a connection to NYFF, you can join this open letter here.


103 signatories, last updated September 26, 6:30p.m. ET (others still being added):

NYFF 62:

Rhayne Vermette, A Black Screen Too, Artist, Exovedate Productions LTD

Abby Sun, An All-Around Feel Good, Producer

Jordan Lord, An All-Around Feel Good, Director

Malena Szlam, Archipelago of Earthen Bones — To Bunya, Filmmaker

John Smith, Being John Smith, Filmmaker

Adam Piron, Black Glass, Filmmaker, COUSIN

Ben Russell, DIRECT ACTION, Co-director

Guillaume Cailleau, DIRECT ACTION, Co-director

Amber A’Lee Frost, Eephus, Producer, ColdFeet Films

Carson Lund, Eephus, Writer/Director, Omnes Films

Chris Wade, Eephus, Producer, ColdFeet Films

Erik Lund, Eephus, Production Design / Composer, Omnes Films

Michael Basta, Eephus, Writer, Producer, Omnes Films

Nate Fisher, Eephus, Writer/actor

Will Menaker, Eephus, Producer, ColdFeet Films

Tyler Taormina, Eephus, Producer, Omnes films

Morgan Quaintance, Efforts of Nature, Filmmaker

Aiko Masubuchi, Happyend, Producer

Bill Kirstein, Happyend, Cinematographer

Lia Ouyang Rusli, Happyend, Composer

Neo Sora, Happyend, writer, director

Albert Tholen, Happyend, Producer and Editor

Mike Leigh, Hard Truths, Director

Athina Rachel Tsangari, Harvest, Director and Co-writer

Rebecca O'Brien, Harvest, Producer, Sixteen Films

Alberto Balázs, Hemel, Cinematographer

Danielle Dean, Hemel, Director/Artist, Danielle Dean Studios & LONO

Luke W. Moody, Hemel, Producer, LONO

G. Anthony Svatek, Little, Big, and Far, Associate Producer

Jem Cohen, Little, Big, and Far, Director, Gravity Hill

Miranda Pennell, Man number 4, Writer Director

Julia Loktev, My Undesirable Friends: Part I — Last Air in Moscow, Director

Basel Adra, No Other Land, Filmmaker

Hamdan Balall, No Other Land, Filmmaker

Yuval Abraham, No Other Land, Filmmaker

Robert Greene, Pavements, Producer, Editor

Maryam Tafakory, Razeh-del, filmmaker

Simon Liu, Refuse Room, Filmmaker

Zachary Epcar, Sinking Feeling, Filmmaker

Rosalind Nashashibi, The Invisible Worm, Filmmaker

Blair McClendon, Union, Editor

Brett Story, Union, Director

Malika Zouhali-Worrall, Union, Editor

Mars Verrone, Union, Producer

Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Union, Composer

Samantha Curley, Union, Producer, Level Ground Productions

Steve Maing, Union, Filmmaker

Louisa Schabas, Universal Language, Production Designer

Matthew Rankin, Universal Language, Director, co-writer

Pirouz Nemati, Universal Language, Executive Producer, Actor & Writer

Sylvain Corbeil, Universal Language, Producer, Metafilms

Ila Firouzabadi, Universal language, Co-writer, executive producer

Pablo Marín, Vibrant Matter, Director

Truong Minh Quy, Viet and Nam, Filmmaker

Filmmakers and film workers from prior editions:

Adam Khalil, Filmmaker, New Red Order

Aki Kaurismäki, Filmmaker

Alena Lodkina, Filmmaker

Alexandre Larose, Filmmaker

Ana Vaz, Filmmaker

Andrew Norman Wilson, Filmmaker

Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Filmmaker

Aria Dean, Filmmaker

Ariane Labed, Actor, director

Arthur Harari, Filmmaker

Beatrice Gibson, Filmmaker

Ben Rivers, Filmmaker

Bingham Bryant, Filmmaker

Carl Elsaesser, Filmmaker

Christopher Harris, Filmmaker

Dani ReStack, Filmmaker

Daniel Chew, Filmmaker

Deborah Stratman, Filmmaker

Deragh Campbell

Elisabeth Subrin, Filmmaker

Faraz Anoushahpour, Filmmaker

Genevieve Yue, Critic, Screener for Currents 2023

Jackson Polys, Artist, New Red Order

James Schamus, Producer

James Wilson, Producer, The Zone of Interest

Joanna Arnow, Director, Writer, Actor, Editor, The Feeling That…

Joshua Gen Solondz, Filmmaker

L. Castaing-Taylor, Filmmaker, Harvard University

Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Private Ear,

Leonardo Pirondi, Filmmaker

Mackie Mallison, Filmmaker

Mary Helena Clark, Filmmaker

Meriem Bennani, Filmmaker, Life on the CAPS

Micaela Durand, Filmmaker

Michael Robinson, Filmmaker

Mike Crane, Filmmaker

Nazli Dincel, Filmmaker

Parastoo Anoushahpour, Filmmaker

Peggy Ahwesh, filmmaker

Ross Meckfessel, Filmmaker

Sarah Friedland, Filmmaker

Sky Hopinka, Filmmaker

Suneil Sanzgiri, Filmmaker

Tiffany Sia, Artist and filmmaker

Verena Paravel

Yoni Golijov, Producer

Zazie Ray-Trapido, Filmmaker

Zia Anger, Filmmaker, My Last Film