Larry Clark's Driggling (World Theatrical Premiere) + Bully

Michael M. Bilandic & Screen Slate Present
Larry Clark's Driggling (World Theatrical Premiere) + Bully
Note: because the studio sent the wrong 35mm print, Bully will be showing on DCP
Regarded as long lost or possibly mythical, Driggling is the most obscure work in the filmography of photographer-auteur Larry Clark. A joyous paean to the art of simultaneously dribbling, juggling, and rollerblading, Driggling is a clarion call of spiritual and physical liberation.
Visual iconoclast Michael M. Bilandic will introduce the World Theatrical Premiere of Driggling at Roxy Cinema on Monday, May 6 at 9pm, a show organized with the kind blessing of the benevolent Driggler himself. Following this landmark event Roxy will screen a 35mm print of Larry Clark's Bully, the best and most accurate movie ever made about Florida.
Flyer: Gerlan Marcel