The Cinema of Gender Transgression: Trans Film

Series Site

November 16 – 27

“The Cinema of Gender Transgression: Trans Film” is an extensive, ongoing series exploring the ways in which cinema has intersected with the experiences, struggles, and ideas of transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming lives and communities. Organized with the participation of a variety of guest curators, the series showcases contemporary films and videos that explore concepts related to gender transgression as well as films that have had historical resonance within and beyond these communities.

Transgender and gender-nonconforming issues hold a more prominent place in the national conversation today than ever before, though gender transgression and the experiences of these individuals have always existed. This series aims to call attention to those films that dared to question gender norms in periods when even to broach the topic was considered controversial, and to provide a platform for the contemporary socio-political concerns of trans filmmakers and artists challenging the gender binary today.

After a long hiatus, caused by the pandemic, the series returns with a special engagement of Antonio Giménez Rico documentary DRESSED IN BLUE (1983). A further installment of the series will take place in December.

“The Cinema of Gender Transgression” is curated in collaboration with Joey Carducci and Angelo Madsen Minax.