Domination and the Everyday: Videos and Films by Martha Rosler

Series Site

"e-flux Screening Room is very pleased to present Domination and the Everyday: Videos and Films by Martha Rosler, a three-day screening program of moving-image works by Martha Rosler accompanied by discussions featuring Rosler, scholar Nora M. Alter, and artists Ernie Larsen and Sherry Millner taking place in the evenings of Friday through Sunday March 18-20, 2022. Throughout the three days, a projection of Rosler's silent Museums will eat your lunch (2013, 2 minutes) will be on view at the Screening Room library, where a reading group with Rosler will also take place as a post-script to the program (date and more details to be announced).

"'I think that feminist art is, most fundamentally, a means of provoking critical awareness,' Martha Rosler wrote in her statement included in the 1977 exhibition What Is Feminist Art? at the Woman’s Building in Los Angeles. The show was composed of answers to that question sent to a network of women by the feminist activists Ruth Iskin, Lucy Lippard, and Arlene Raven with the  introductory line “if you consider yourself a feminist…” Rosler ended her page-long statement explaining her position with the hand-written note: 'This means never to give up on the push for real social change!'

"Rosler's artistic oeuvre spans a number of media, including photography, sculpture, performance, writing, and video, all of which serve as socially responsible tools for the creative and critical examination of the modern condition of life. Anchored in consistent political commitment, Rosler’s video works explore gender roles, inequality, labor, gentrification, processes of power and control, and imperialist American politics. All these themes are mirrored in the three screenings that present a selection of Rosler's video works from 1974 to the present, combining rarely seen works with ones that have been foundational to the history of American video art.

"Domination and the Everyday: Videos and Films by Martha Rosler is the inaugural event of Revisiting Feminist Moving-Image Art, a series of screenings at e-flux Screening Room aimed at revisiting the origins, contexts, developments, and impact of feminist video art and experimental cinema around the world from the 1960s through today." —e-flux