Forbidden Rooms: The Films of Guy Maddin

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In advance of the opening of his latest, RUMOURS (co-directed with his collaborators on 2017’s THE GREEN FOG and 2015’s THE FORBIDDEN ROOM, Evan Johnson and Galen Johnson), IFC Center presents a weeklong retrospective of the films of the inimitable Guy Maddin.

From his first feature, the gorgeously neo-expressionist TALES FROM THE GIMLI HOSPITAL (1988), Maddin has carved out a singular place in contemporary cinema. Fascinated by the look and feel of silent films, his early work explores stories of obsession, malady, revenge and passion in a style that manages to be both baroque and restrained. His aesthetic has only grown more beautiful and more unpredictable—and his films more hilarious—with time. Steeped in a deep knowledge and deeper love of film history, Maddin’s movie-mad movies are at once fascinating homages and unmistakably unique.

The retrospective includes ten of Maddin’s features, among them his first color film, CAREFUL (1992); THE SADDEST MUSIC IN THE WORLD (2003), his first “big-budget” film and first collaboration with Isabella Rossellini; MY WINNIPEG (2007), a fantasia about Maddin’s hometown, screening on a 35mm print; and a sneak preview of RUMOURS, followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. The series also includes a program of short films, with Maddin in person.

See more and save! Get a Forbidden Rooms Pack (3-ticket pack: $30 for IFC Center members and $45 for non-members). Ticket packs are good for any three shows in the series lasting from October 11-17, 2024.