Two By El Pampero Cine

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For the past 20 years El Pampero Cine has been redefining what it means to be an independent filmmaker in a transnational system of production and distribution. Refusing outside funding and working solely with their own equipment, they have created an aesthetic and intellectual sensibility that feels distinctly their own. With the recent release of Laura Citarella’s TRENQUE LAUQUEN, following on the heels of 2018’s LA FLOR, they have cemented themselves as one of the most original voices of contemporary cinema.

To mark this occasion we’re proud to present two other recent films by El Pampero Cine that match that achievement, but have not received the same attention. Both made during covid lockdown and using their closed-quarters arrangements as a jumping off point for all sorts of wild fantasy and mystery, Alejo Moguillansky’s LA EDAD MEDIA and Agustín Mendilaharzu’s CLEMENTINA are two works that show the range and depth of what El Pampero can do with the most limited of means.